Typically, when a child in foster care reaches the age of 18, they are left to navigate adulthood independently, regardless of their mental, physical, or educational status. At A Kid’s Place, we take pride in our Independent Living Program designed for individuals aged 18-22 who have aged out of the system but still require support and resources to realize their full potential. Through this program, we provide a nurturing and secure environment for these young adults to learn, develop, and determine their path in life.
Our Independent Living Program has witnessed numerous success stories, such as Keisha, a 21-year-old college student aspiring to become a paralegal. Recently, Keisha applied for the Jonathan Yob Foster Care to Success Scholarship, submitting a compelling and heartwarming account of her foster care journey and how those experiences have shaped her into the remarkable young adult she is today. Her application moved us to tears with a sense of pride.
“Foster care taught me that there is way more to life than what you are born into and that what you have gone through in life does not determine where you can go in your future. Aside from opportunity, my experience in foster care also gave me a particular core value that is now at the base of all that I do. It gave me a first-hand look at all the efforts and resources that people make so that children and young adults such as I can have a sense of normalcy and security.” -Keisha